Anyone who was anyone in the 70's and 80's, prepare for a flashback: Clothkits has been relaunched and given a snazzy new image perfect for 2009 (this isn't literally 'new' news as the launch was several months back now, but I keen forgetting to post about it. Anyhoo...) As a child of the 80's, much of my favourite clobber was made by my Mother courtesy of these kitmaker extraordinaires, most memorably a Hawaiian outfit consisting of jungle print skirt, boob tube and matching headband. Despite being about six at the time and therefore still very much flat-chested, the boobtube was my favourite part of the whole ensemble and I just KNEW I was literally the coolest kid on earth when playing out front in that get-up.
Clothkits 2:0 is much the same as old: purchase your kit in your chosen fabric, cut out the pattern pieces and sew it up yourself at home. Not so nifty with pattern cutting or just keen to save a bit of sewing time? These kits are a most timely relaunch for all those time-poor, craft-hungry Primark converts out there keen to start running up their own but not sure where to start.
Kits include clothing for children and adults, as well as a range of accessories and even cushion covers, including this fab one pictured, a collaboration with prolific line drawing artists People Will Always Need Plates.
Not to be left out, papercut whizz Rob Ryan also gets in on the act with this 'Hold Me' skirt, at £45. Such collaborations have also helped put the once ailing brand back on the craft map. Don't leave us again, Clothkits, and please start reissuing some of your vintage designs as of immediately, please. Plus a grown-up version of that jungle number if you have it...
All picture credits to